Flexible Benefit Plans remain an effective way for employees to shelter their income tax-free to pay for anticipated health, day care and commuter expenses as well as premium contributions. We are scrupulous in providing:
- Plan documents (Cafeteria Plan and each of the component offerings)
- Details and simplified enrollment forms
- Detailed Q&A format in addition to the required Summary Plan Description
We have offered comprehensive Flex Services for more than 2 decades. Because we are a broker-owned administrator, we have insight and a greater empathy for the needs of employers and their employees than what you often find with our “big box” competitors. We will counsel employees on how to best present their claims (to ensure audit compliance) and review how the plan works and how much to set aside. We provide education in several different formats, both ahead of enrollment and during time of claim:
- Group meetings followed by one-on-one counseling
- Attachment of material to a website, or creation of a customer Flex website
- Ongoing communication as rules change
- Detailed outline of what is allowed, not allowed, or what may be allowed
Automation is, of course, a necessity. We use a top-flight claims administration system with a national manager, which offers the following:
- Choice of debit card or manual claims (which can be reviewed at submission)
- Online portal so employees may check their balances
- Direct deposit of reimbursement accounts (ACH)
- Management reports on current balances and account reconciliation
- Manual enrollment upload or electronic submission from HRIS, etc.
We maintain a trust account through a Sonoma County bank on a “per employer” basis. We coordinate Flex Plans with your COBRA administration, giving them annual updates.
Systems and pricing may be the same, but what ends up distinguishing us from the rest is the personal style and accommodation we make for those who were supposed to “benefit” from this “benefit” — your employees.
To download and print a flex form, please click here.
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