North Bay Business Journal – July 9, 2018

Arrow Benefits Group, The Personnel Perspective plan to open Napa office

Arrow Benefits Group Managing Partner Stephen McNeil said the combination is an “evolution of our partnership” to offer human resources and benefits under one roof. Arrow now has nine locations in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California.

Read entire article here…

North Bay Business Journal – July 6, 2018

Arrow’s new Spanish Division Alianza serves Spanish-speaking employees
by Cheryl Sarfaty

Arrow Benefits Group in Petaluma has identified a need and taken action. In January, Arrow launched a Spanish language division called Alianza, which means “alliance” in English.

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NorthBayBiz Magazine – November 2018


The Millennial workforce is no longer something that is far away. It’s here, it’s growing, and it’s impactful. In fact, their strong ethics and values are revolutionizing the way we think about business. It’s true, the youngest of the Millennials are in their early 20s and just getting their foothold in the workforce, but long gone are the days where we can dismiss the entire generation as shiftless, screen-obsessed kids.

Read entire article here…

Congratulations Rosario Avila, Spanish Language Division Lead, on winning two prestigious awards!

We are celebrating her incredible work and advancement winning the EBA 2018 Top Women in Benefit Advising. Additionally, Rosario was awarded The North Bay Business Journal 2018 Latino Business Leadership Award for her innovations in the industry!

Click here to see full award details.

Congratulations Mariah Shields, Principal!!

Winner NBBJ 2018 Non-Profit Leadership Awards

Notable Quote: I am extremely proud to have co-founded 100 Sonoma People Who care, Without grass roots board, we have engaged well over 500 community members and raised over $50,000 that has gone directly into local nonprofit organizations.

Read more here…


January 2019

Our two top innovators in advising: Andrew McNeil & Rosario Avila are highlighted here in two articles in Employee Benefit Adviser Magazine – January & April 2019 issues – for launching the first if its kind YouTube channel – BenefitsTV! The channel brings the public short entertaining & informative videos about all things benefits.

Read entire article here…

NorthBayBiz Magazine – April 2019


The average U.S. life insurance policyholder is 74 percent underinsured. Are you among the underinsured? Advisors Andrew McNeil and Rosario Avila of Arrow Benefits Group launched BenefitsTV in early January to provide this type of useful and easy-to-consume information to viewers about employee benefits and other insurance-related topics.

McNeil, a principal at Arrow Benefits Group, is the first to admit that insurance and employee benefits are generally not the most exciting topic. “The goal was to provide short snippets of information, and not to be self-serving. We’re trying to provide value, and not looking to just sell insurance,” he says. But the company is working to bring value to the insurance benefits employees carry through their employers to maximize benefits.

View BenefitsTV videos here…

April 2019

Andrew McNeil & Rosario Avila have just been awarded & interviewed by Employee Benefit News for their innovation in benefits technology.

Read entire article here…

NorthBayBiz Magazine – May 2019

Leading the Way
by Bo Kearns

Rosario Avila & Andrew McNeil interviewed for a feature in NBB Magazine:

“In the wine, construction and manufacturing industries with a high percentage of Latino workers, there’s often cultural stigma surrounding mental health, especially in group workplace settings,” said Rosario Avila, benefits advisor, Alianza Spanish Language Division. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. “Though HIPPA ensures employee confidentiality, some Spanish-speaking employees worry about filing claims. They’re afraid their employer might find out.” For employees with those concerns, Arrow offers a hotline where Spanish speakers can call with questions.

Read entire article here…

Employee Benefit Advisor – October 2019

The power of two: Advisers of the Year drive innovation at their brokerage and beyond
by Caroline Hroncich

On the cover of October’s Employee Benefit Advisor Magazine

A new article and interview with award-winning Arrow advisors Andrew McNeil and Rosario Avila about their groundbreaking collaborative work together – changing the way they approach and work with clients.

Read entire article here…