Press & Interviews
NorthBayBiz Magazine – October 2017

Balancing Act
– Interview with Arrow Benefits Group Partners & Industry leaders on Balancing life/work by Judith Wilson
Andrew McNeil, principal at Arrow Benefits Group, a full-service employee benefits firm in Petaluma, got a picture of what happy, fulfilled employees look like when he visited Zappos, an online shoe and clothing shop based in Las Vegas in 2016. As he walked around the campus, he noticed that everyone got along well, and he learned that Zappos’ 1,500 employees have to be a good cultural fit. The company is open about its culture, purpose and mission, and people don’t necessarily make a lot of money, but they stay, because they love what they do. “It’s about putting a smile on people’s faces,” he says.
NorthBayBiz Magazine – January 2018

What Works
– Medical Insurance & Language Barriers by Rosario Avila
Tengo Seguro medico, pero no se como usarlo! Or as we say in English– I have medical insurance, but don’t know how to use it. The employee benefits world can be confusing, and providing information in an unfamiliar language only adds another obstacle, making it difficult to understand and use. With so many types of medical plans and employer arrangements, it’s no wonder Hispanic employees would rather go to a local clinic or emergency room than use the medical benefits given to them by their employers.
North Bay Business Journal – October 2014
North Bay Business Journal – November 2014
North Bay Biz Magazine – May 2015
North Bay Business Journal – June 2015
North Bay Business Journal – July 2015
North Bay Biz – September 2015

Arrow Benefits Group just featured in North Bay Biz Magazine article – Health Care Check-up
North Bay Biz – January 2016

The Benefits of Giving by Mariah Shields
I realize running a successful business means your plate is piled-high with daily priorities but there’s one often-overlooked business act that can fulfill, enrich and reward you if you make time for it: philanthropy. Read full article here