Be Informed!

Changes Affect­ing
Your Busi­ness in




In 2019 SDI will cov­er up to a max­i­mum salary of $108,506 annu­al­ly and pay 60%.

On Jan­u­ary 1, there will be a min­i­mum wage jump from $11 to $12 per hour for employ­ers with 26 or more employees. 

For small­er orga­ni­za­tions, the jump is from $10.50 to $11 per hour. 

They will jump to $12 per hour on Jan­u­ary 1, 2020. Once the employ­er reach­es the ini­tial $1 per hour jump.

The min­i­mum wage will increase by $1 per hour each year there­after until they reach $15 per hour in 2022 for employ­ers with 26 or more and 2023 for those with under 26 employees.





Arrow in The News




Alian­za Serves Span­ish-Speak­ing Employees

by Cheryl Sarfaty



Arrow Ben­e­fits Group in Petaluma has iden­ti­fied a need and tak­en action. In Jan­u­ary, Arrow launched a Span­ish lan­guage divi­sion called Alian­za, which means “alliance”
in English. 


Whether it’s learn­ing and prac­tic­ing on-the job safe­ty or nav­i­gat­ing an array of employ­ee ben­e­fits, trans­la­tion ser­vices aren’t the sole solu­tion, said Rosario Avila,
who leads Alianza.


“Edu­ca­tion is the huge com­po­nent,” said Avi­la, who cam­paigned for ABG to cre­ate a Span­ish-speak­ing divi­sion after wit­ness­ing how well Lati­no employ­ees respond­ed to
bilin­gual ser­vices. “What we had noticed when we were doing open-enroll­ment meet­ings (in Span­ish) is that the employ­ees were engaged, ask­ing ques­tions, tak­ing notes.”





MORE Health Relationship

Saves Employ­ees Lives!



A col­lab­o­ra­tion between Arrow Ben­e­fits Group and MORE Health, a med­ical sec­ond opin­ion and col­lab­o­ra­tive diag­no­sis ser­vice, now offers an indis­pens­able med­ical opportunity
for clients enrolled in Arrow group med­ical plans. They can now receive easy access to a sec­ond opin­ion when faced with mak­ing deci­sions regard­ing a seri­ous, life-chang­ing illness.


Case Study: Mari D. an Arrow Ben­e­fits Group employ­ee expe­ri­enced first-hand the “huge relief” MORE Health can pro­vide to those
nav­i­gat­ing com­pli­cat­ed med­ical issues. Suf­fer­ing from
a myr­i­ad of
seri­ous health issues, her hus­band con­sult­ed with many doc­tors and spe­cial­ists, includ­ing car­di­ol­o­gists, urol­o­gists and brain sur­geons.
“We were frus­trat­ed, our pri­ma­ry care physi­cian was frus­trat­ed, even the
doc­tors at the ER were at
their wits’ end. We had tried every­thing they could think of and no one knew what
to do next…