From Arrow To You

Happy Holiday Wishes!

We wish to sin­cere­ly THANK YOU — we know our suc­cess is due to your con­tin­ued trust. We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing to help you grow and ele­vate your busi­ness in the years to come.

We’re send­ing our very best Sea­son’s Wish­es for you and your fam­i­lies along with a few impor­tant facts you should know in prepa­ra­tion for 2016 — here’s to this won­der­ful time of year and a very hap­py New Year from all of us at Arrow Ben­e­fits Group.


2016 Updates

Health Plan Limits

2016 Health Plan Limits

Max­i­mum Health FSA 2015 Lim­it 2016 Lim­it
* employ­ee deferral $2,550 $2,550
* car­ry­over $500 $500
Max­i­mum HSA contribution
* indi­vid­ual $3,350 $3,350
* fam­i­ly $6,650 $6,750
* catch-up $1,000 $1,000
Max­i­mum HDHP deductible
* indi­vid­ual $1,300 $1,300
* fam­i­ly $2,600 $2,600
Max­i­mum HDHP out-of-pocket
* indi­vid­ual $6,450 $6,550
* fam­i­ly $12,900 $13,100
Max­i­mum out-of-pock­et (non-grand­fa­thered plans)
* indi­vid­ual $6,600 $6,850
* fam­i­ly $13,200 $13,700
Tran­si­tion­al Rein­sur­ance Fee $44/year $27/year

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